GHPL is a PPRA complaint company and endeavors that all the company purchase and procurements are guided by PPRA Rules as amended from time to time. A Purchase Committee has specifically been established to oversee the procurement in GHPL.
The government Holdings (Private) Limited in line with the PPRA Rules, follows the following policy guidelines:
- Pakistani suppliers are to be preferred
- Goods shall be sourced directly from manufactures whenever possible
- Bids should be evaluated on the basis of best value for money rather than lowest price.
- When the same kind of goods / services is required on a regular basis, procuring agencies should negotiate framework of yearly contracts.
- Response times allowed to bidders should be as stated in the PPR-2004.
- The amount of bid security in case of Single stage envelop shall be fixed at 2% of the total bid value.
- Two envelop bidding process, purchase committee shall decide the amount of earnest money maximum up to 5% of the total estimated project cost.
- The amount of security required for performance guarantees may be up to 10% of the contract value.